Friday, March 4, 2016


I think rejection in any form can be hard. Whether it's relationships or jobs--it hurts! Today I got turned down for job that I thought I was going to get. And to be honest, I am extremely grateful that I didn't get it. But that doesn't mean that I didn't feel the sting of rejection. So after a very awkward phone conversation from the employer, I sat there staring out the window. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. So I took a deep breath and told myself "it's not the worst" and changed my attitude. Because I love God, I trust Him to guide me to where He wants me to go. And if I have to be continually rejected by employers to get to the right one, then so be it! Feelings of rejection have such a  negative tendency to make you feel like you're a failure and not good enough. It's easy to wallow in pain. Keep moving forward through the sting of rejection, because you'll always come out on top!  It's not always going to be  easy, but with God, it's so much easier to bear. And let me share with you a little secret: You are good enough and worthwhile! Especially in God's eyes. (That's not really a secret.) There's joy in the journey, my friends.

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