Monday, December 29, 2014


With the new year coming, I've been prepping for my 2015 goals. I'm ready to get back into the saddle. I've slowly been putting my life back together. Now that I feel like I'm mentally and emotionally stable, I can now start working on other areas of my life.

If you follow me on Pinterest, then you've probably seen my "2015 Goals" board. I've been pinning all sorts of things from clean eating and work outs to organization. I've put the final touches to my goal plans and am ready to carry them out. Let's take a sneak peek:

Physically: It's not about how many pounds and inches I lose. I can't look at it that way. I feel like if I set a certain amount of weight to lose, then I just get discouraged. I'm fortunate enough to have a mother who loves health! She's been a wonderful example to me. Even then, I still had to know for myself the 'why'. I have been doing an extensive research this past month to learn about why eating clean is necessary and why daily exercise is important. You bet I've been watching all sorts of YouTube videos and reading health articles and blogs. I've done my research and have carefully put together my goals. Running will be a bittersweet beginning, but I love to run, so it shouldn't be too bad. And vegetables? I actually love vegetables, I just need to eat them more. But thanks to the recipes I've collected, I'm actually ready to eat clean. I'm looking forward to detoxing.

Mentally: My mom (who is a health fanatic) sent me an email about meditation. Meditation can actually change your brain and enhance your overall well-being. (Read the article here.) I'll also be continuing my relaxation techniques. I don't know about you, but my mind is constantly running and it takes me a long time to fall asleep. I came across a relaxation app that I love and have been using it every night before bed. It soothes and calms my mind, so that I am able to fall asleep. It's been wonderful!

Emotionally: I have been seeing a counselor for about a month and she is absolutely amazing! I always thought that counselling was good, but just wasn't for me. I've done counselling before, but it wasn't working for me. I'm 24 and finally decided for myself that I needed a counselor to talk about my problems. My counselor was not only kind, but has helped me overcome some of my weaknesses. By doing this, I've been able to take more control over my emotions and to deal with them in a positive way, rather than bottling them up. (I'm not saying that counselling is for everyone. However if you feel like you could use some professional help, counselling may be a good option.)

Spiritually: I really want to continue on coming to know my Savior. I've been re-building my foundation on Him. I need Him more than anything right now. I'll be going back to the basics. You know, reading my scriptures (especially The Book of Mormon), praying etc. I've however decided to do the Young Women's Personal Progress program. I received my Young Womanhood Recognition about 9 years ago, but for some reason, I felt impressed to do it again. I'm kind of really excited!

That was a lot. I assure you my goals are few and simple. I think the simpler the goal, the easier it will be to accomplish it! Do you have your goals for the new year? I want to hear about them! Perhaps we could swap ideas, tips, and tricks. Also, do you have Instagram? You can find me as missmarlirock. I post quite regularly there. You get to see a smidgen of my life there. :) Let's do this!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"For Unto Us A Child is Born"

Today is a special day. Today is His day. It's because of Him that all things are possible. His love and devotion during His life and ministry is something to celebrate. He has wiped away the many tears that have been shed during my lifetime. His ever extending arm of love has become a refuge for me. He is the Good Shepherd, who rescues His sheep. He has rescued me many times. His love is unique and encompasses me to the very core. Never has one touched my heart as He has. He never gave up on me. Not once. When I felt my life fall apart, my heart break, and the uncontrollable tears streaming down my face, I called out to Him. I'ts always to Him. He is the gift that keeps on giving. He offers love and refuge to each one of us. He calls upon us to always remember Him, so that might always feel joy. He strengthens the weak and calms the raging storms we experience. He wants to be there for us. He wants nothing more than for us to allow Him to the center of our lives. He has never been deceitful nor has shown that He cannot be trusted. He has always readily extended his hand for us to grab a hold of. All he asks is for us to let Him in. Let Him fill those empty crevices with His love. Let Him seep into your heart and awaken your soul to feel the sweetest joy that is yours. Today is His day to celebrate Him. He is the gift to each on of us. It's because of Him, that we can be better. It's through Him that the hardest trials can turn into the sweetest blessings. It's because of Him that the atonement is made possible. "His love is unfailing" as Elder Henry B. Eyring so gently put it. If I could stand on the tallest a pedestal or mountain and exclaim to the world my love and devotion to Him, I would. He is worth it, because He makes me feel worth it. I love Him. I love Him more than anything. He is and always will be my Rock and my Redeemer. Merry Christmas to you and may you be able to feel His love for you! Jesus loves you!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Memory Lane - Christmas Edition Part Two

Sleeping on Christmas Eve was the hardest thing. I'd wake up every fifteen minutes and glance at the clock. I remember one year, my mom told me I couldn't come down to see my presents until I cleaned my room. My brother slept in my room (as per tradition) and helped me clean up fifteen minutes before we were allowed downstairs. (Which really consisted of us throwing toys into the window bench.) We'd always wake up early Christmas Day. Mom wouldn't let us see our presents until 5:00 in the morning. We'd hurry down the stairs and run to the family room where all our presents were waiting for us. Only us kids would be awake, until mom and dad would finally show up. Dad would turn on The Beach Boys Christmas album and pull out the camera. We'd spend hours in the family room playing with our toys. Mom would cook us a delicious breakfast. We'd then open our presents from under the tree to top of the morning. We'd play the rest of the day and feast on leftover treats and cheese ball. (I can't even tell you how delicious that cheese ball is!) My parents always made Christmas special for our family. Now that I'm older, I've realized that even though our Christmases were memorable, they never once forgot to remind us of our Savior. It is because of Him that I am able to feel and taste the sweet joy that He has to offer. It's because of Him that I am able to be with my family for eternity! I love Him.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Memory Lane - Christmas Edition Part One

Christmas as a child was magical! The anticipation of what Santa would bring me was only a small portion of the magic. The true magic and spirit of Christmas came through the joy of being with my family. I looked forward to Christmas Eve over Christmas day! Mom would spend her day getting the treats together for the party. Dad would have The Beach Boy's Christmas album and video camera ready to go. We'd rush to put on our new pj's and call our cousins to join us for the festivities. Then Little St. Nick would be blaring through our speakers and the party began! We danced to the music and laughed. We stuffed ourselves with cheese ball and crackers! Mom would read us Christmas stories. That was my favorite. The light above the fireplace was the only light on, besides the glow of the Christmas tree. The room was quiet as she read. She never forgot to mention the true reason for the season. She always brought the Spirit of Christ into the room as she bore her sweet testimony of our Savior. As I've gotten older, I've appreciated more the true meaning of Christmas. It's because my mom taught me. I'll always be grateful for that!