Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Filled with Light and Love

I told you how meditation has become my new thing. I'm still navigating my way through it with the (little) knowledge of how to do it. It''s a process, but I believe it's working. I start off by envisioning God's light and love pouring down and filling me up. Literally. I literally envision a bucket of God's light and love being poured over my head. And maybe it's just my imagination, but I have a warm feeling each time I do it.

I want to be filled with God's light and love, because it sustains me. I want to be able to share that light and love with whoever I come in contact with that day. Roommates, friends, family, clients, co-workers--ANYONE! I believe people gravitate towards people who are of light. I know this is how I am, especially when I'm not feeling up to par. I always feel good around people who are happy and kind. And you can see it in their eyes and the way they speak. I believe that when you fill yourself with God's light and love, you will be able to make a difference. People will want to be around you, because they see God's glow within you.

And let's not forget about love. I'm a believer in the power of God's love! His love is both satisfying and fulfilling! And I could tell you all the reasons why it's so great, but you'll only really know, if you ask to feel His love. I promise you will you know and feel it!

You readers may think that I don't think about you, but I do. And if I'm going to be honest, I pray for you and send God's light and love to you every day! May God watch over you on this beautiful Wednesday!

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