Here's the thing. I've been doing so many interviews the last several weeks. I've had good and bad interviews. Some I'm more nervous for. Others I'm pretty calm. I've gotten to the point where I have the same answer to every question. However, if there is any question that I absolutely despise, it's the "what would you say your weaknesses are?" question. And my first instinct is to say, "I'm kind of a perfectionist." because let's be real, that's a stupid question. If I was going to be honest, I wouldn't be doing the dang interview. Like, let me pull out a list of all my flaws and you can just take a look at it and then go from there. Perhaps there is an element of humility that the potential employer is looking for. I don't know. If you have an answer to that question, tell me in the comments below or via email! Happy Wednesday, everyone! We're halfway to the weekend!
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