Monday, August 8, 2016

Plain and Precious Truths #6

"Behold, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou art an elect lady, whom I have called."
"Murmur not because of the things which thou has not see, for they are withheld from thee and from the world, which is wisdom in me in a time to come." 
"And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions, with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness."  
-D&C 25 3-5
Emma Smith is one of the women that I look up to. She's a strong woman who endured through much pain and affliction. I can't imagine being in her shoes and having to carry the burdens that she had. I love this chapter in Doctrine and Covenants, because it was revelation specifically for her. I had a tender moment as I read this chapter, because it I could feel the love that God had specifically for her. God saw her as His precious daughter. Amongst all the pain she went through, God was with her.

I absolutely adored that she was called to be a comfort to her husband. Seriously, relationship goals right there. More than anything, I desire to be there for my (future) husband to love and support him. Emma was a solid example of that as she supported Joseph Smith through such horrendous times. I believe Emma is an example of continuing to follow the Lord, even through so much heartache. She truly is an elect lady and one that I admire so deeply.

Read the last entry of the series here:

Here's a beautiful song about Emma Smith sung by Katherine Nelson.

Never had an ordinary day,
never lived your life in an ordinary way.
For everything  you loved, you paid a price,
But you couldn't let the world see your cry.

Never had a moment of peace,
never felt the sunlight, when your worries set you free.
Every time your life turned a page,
it seemed like your heart might break.

With the world on your shoulders, when the nights had grown colder,
you seemed to weather every storm with a Queen's grace.
And when you lost your husband, when you buried your children,
I'm sure the angels stood in reverence as your prayed.
How much can one heart take?
How much can one heart take?

Never had a day to call your own.
when so many needed your warm heart as a home.
 Whispering a mother's lullaby, as you sat alone by the fire.

Chorus x 2

I'm sure you heart breaks, when some people still say
somewhere down the line you lost your faith.
How much can one heart take?
How much one heart take?

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