I sat there tap-tap-tapping away. I don't always tune into their conversations, but this time I did. Hearts breaking as they mourn the breakup of two dear friends. Somehow it had hit a few chords with me. I ached for them. Two people I don't know. I've been there and back again. I've experienced those anguished, heart wrenching emotions. I've experienced the anger and confusion. And oh the ache that burns in your heart to the point where breathing is uncomfortable.
I wish I could tell them it would all work out; be that optimistic person to shine a bit of light into their storm. But I couldn't. All I could do was hurt alongside with them and pray for their well being. They'll come out strong; God is in control.
You've got to let the storm rage on however many it may take and for however long. Rain does have its negative effects, but I've learned that it's quite lovely. You can be pelted by the rain and feel the sting, but then you can watch it wash away the dirt. It will cleanse and heal. There will be days when the rain will subside. The smog and pollution will be gone and you'll feel the warmth and joy of a clean, clear day. Then it will start to rain and you'll be a bit stronger to take on the next storm.
So for you who are experiencing your own aches. It's ok. You can hurt. Let the storm run its natural course. It's these times that we are able to experience a very human part of life.
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