Friday, January 15, 2016

Beat The Blues: Self-Medicating with Exercise

Disclaimer: I'm not against people being on medication to treat their depression/anxiety. I think if you need it, take it. You're not a bad person if you do and you're not a bad person if you don't. It really doesn't matter, you do you!

I was reading some articles online about how some people have chosen to "self-medicate" by simply doing a few things. I thought it was pretty interesting. The common factor was exercise. And if you're like me, exercise is the last thing you want to do when you're feeling terrible. I mean, there's that whole endorphin's make you happy thing...wait a minute...what? ENDORPHIN'S MAKE YOU HAPPY?

It's confusing right? You feel terrible and you put your body through some sort of exercise and you're happier? Yes. Yes you are. How? Why?

Endorphin's improve your natural immunity, which changes your perception of pain. It not only changes your mood, but also changes your self-esteem. Then there's all the health benefits like protects you from diseases and lowers your blood pressure. You get fit and have more energy. One study I read talked about how they had three groups of people, one group was only doing aerobic exercise, the second group was only on anti-depressants, and the third was doing both. The result was relatively the same, except for those who did exercise were happier a lot longer than those who were just on anti-depressants.

Really the intensity level doesn't matter. Whether it's aerobics, yoga, or just going for a walk, it will boost your mood. It's still a win, even if you feel a little better than you did before. You don't have to start out big, just start doing something.

That's the end of this series. I've enjoyed reading your emails. You guys have shared some great stories and/or advice. Stay happy!

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