Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Beat The Blues: Professional Help

I had a realization on Sunday that I needed to go back to counselling. I haven't been to counselling since this last summer. It's expensive. However, I fully recommend that if you feel you need professional help, GET IT! Growing up, my parents put in me in counselling twice and I HATED IT! In all honesty, I wasn't ready for it, nor did I feel that I had a connection with my counselors. My mom got tired of putting me in counselling, because I would literally get in the car so angry after each session.

Fast forward to fall 2014 when my family helped me get back into counselling. The first few times of counselling, I came home very discouraged. I was more mad at myself and felt a lot of shame for being there. I tried to be more open with my counselor and grew to love her. She made me feel good about myself. She helped me understand how my brain worked. She encouraged me with my dreams. She rarely gave me homework, instead she would have come up with my homework to do.

I highly encourage that if you are experience bad anxiety/depression to get professional help. There are so many sources out there that can help you get more affordable help. Don't feel guilty if things aren't go well with your counselor. You can always find another one. In fact, one of the first things my counselor told me was, "If things aren't working out, don't hesitate to "fire" me." She was more concerned that I get the right help and if I wasn't getting it with her, she wanted me to find someone else.

Don't let shame hold you back from getting the proper help you need. I once read that shame is thinking, "I am bad" when in reality, YOU ARE NOT BAD! You are worthy of love. You worthy of the best life. You are worthy of joy! There are many people in the world (including myself) that may need a little extra help with anxiety/depression. That's OKAY! You will come out on top!And if anyone tears you down into thinking otherwise, then they are probably not worth your time in the first place.

As I always say, we are in this together. If you have any stories you want to share about your experience with counselling go ahead and comment or email me. I have really enjoyed reading your emails this week! Ya'll are great! Happy Wednesday and check back in tomorrow for the fourth post.

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