Monday, October 12, 2015

I'm not a Photographer

I haven't posted many pictures on here from my actual camera. I typically post a lot on Instagram, so if you follow me, you'll see more picture there. So here we go:

I started making a vision/inspiration/whatever board. It's slowly coming together. It's just a piece of cardboard that I got from work. I originally was going to cut it into a puzzle piece and then spray paint it, but you know...I'm lazy. And also, un-crafty. I haven't found anything to put in the middle yet, but at least I have the edges done.

My niece is adorable in her 'Boo' Halloween costume! My sister in-law made it from scratch. She's basically a domestic woman! But man, isn't my niece the cutest?!

I spend a lot of time here in the Provo Temple. It's the perfect getaway.

I was waiting at the Lehi Frontrunner station and the moon was ginormous! I think I read somewhere that it was a 'super moon' and let's just say, it really was. Also, did I tell you I'm not a photographer? In my defense, I took this on my phone and I have yet to learn the camera settings, so...#hatersgonnahate...

Vistaprint sent me 100 of these adorable business cards! 100!!! I don't know what I'm going to use them for, but hey! Do you want one? I'll give you one and then you can do whatever to it.

My friend and I are both pretty smart and our text message conversations show that.

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