I sat there tap-tap-tapping away. I don't always tune into their conversations, but this time I did. Hearts breaking as they mourn the breakup of two dear friends. Somehow it had hit a few chords with me. I ached for them. Two people I don't know. I've been there and back again. I've experienced those anguished, heart wrenching emotions. I've experienced the anger and confusion. And oh the ache that burns in your heart to the point where breathing is uncomfortable.
I wish I could tell them it would all work out; be that optimistic person to shine a bit of light into their storm. But I couldn't. All I could do was hurt alongside with them and pray for their well being. They'll come out strong; God is in control.
You've got to let the storm rage on however many it may take and for however long. Rain does have its negative effects, but I've learned that it's quite lovely. You can be pelted by the rain and feel the sting, but then you can watch it wash away the dirt. It will cleanse and heal. There will be days when the rain will subside. The smog and pollution will be gone and you'll feel the warmth and joy of a clean, clear day. Then it will start to rain and you'll be a bit stronger to take on the next storm.
So for you who are experiencing your own aches. It's ok. You can hurt. Let the storm run its natural course. It's these times that we are able to experience a very human part of life.
Three words that have been ringing in my ears the past few days. I think this relates a lot when paired with "endure it well". Don't just endure, but endure it well. And as you endure, be here now. Savor your time now. There is goodness right where you are. Lots of it. Don't let the past or future contaminate the goodness of the now. Be here now.
I've had scattered thoughts; almost like this hard wooden floor with dozens of pictures scattered all across the room. I'm picking two or three at a time, analyzing each photo and then putting them down and grabbing more. I'm trying to sort them by theme, but they all could fit in so many different places.
This is how I've been with posting on this dear blog. I have so many drafts, each with a sentence or two on them. I want to fully express my deepest thoughts and feelings on each topic, but I keep hitting a wall with each thought. So please be patient with me as I slowly take my time posting on this here blog. (Or as I like to call it, blurb.)
I will share with you a few thoughts that have been brewing in my head lately. I may dive further into each thought in future posts, but for now, we'll touch the surface.
I love the idea of jumping on train in the middle of the night and riding into the unknown. Every time I see train tracks, I picture myself on a warm summers night, spontaneously jumping on the train and ready to take on the world. Feeling that summer breeze on my face and taking a deep breath. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, you know. It's meant to be seriously un-serious, as I like to put it.
I don't fear death. In fact, I face it with open arms. This firmly stems from my solid belief in the plan of salvation. I will live each hour of life with a smile and when it's time for me to face the night, I will gladly welcome the next day.
When the world says you can't do hard things, ignore it. It's their fear talking. Stand tall and replace their fear with your faith. That'll show them, but more importantly, that'll show you.
"If you saw me right now, you'd probably tell me to 'hit the hay'. And then I'd respond with something incredibly (and incoherently) witty and we'd laugh. I love the feeling of exhaustion after a long day of hard work. I packed, moved, and unpacked. My nearly two hour trip at Walmart paid off. My new corner cabinet is filled with food to last me a good while. I'm excited to start cooking and baking again. I'm excited to try out some new recipes I've been bookmarking in my new vegan cookbook. I have a pile mountain of boxes sitting in the middle of the kitchen, waiting to be put away. My room is mostly unpacked. I finally bought an ironing board to pair with my iron. Turns out there was one in the laundry room.
I'm not sure why God has led me to this place. Everything has worked out perfectly. I couldn't be more grateful. I'm still baffled as to why I am here. The roommates are kind and sweet. The ward is fun. (Or so I have been told.) I am not sad about the change. But I'm not excited either. I'm just mellow. I am supposed to be here, that I know. I guess time will tell.
Maybe we'll meet here? Maybe not. That's okay though. We're still each others and God will unite us, when He see's fit. But until then, I think I will 'hit the hay' now. (And I did laugh at that, only because it sounds ridiculous. You can laugh too."