Monday, January 5, 2015

Raw Emotion

I think one of the best human experiences we have here in this life is to feel pure, raw emotion. We aren't robots, but actual living humans who get to feel. We get to experience emotions from all sides of the spectrum. I am grateful for this, because I learn best through experiences and feelings. Without them, I wouldn't learn anything. There would be no growth.

I think that raw emotion is sacred. It's a beautiful part of the human experience. It's necessary for us to experience in order for us to become like God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They understand fully how we each feel at every second of the day. They too have experienced what we experience.

It can be easy to hold in those feelings. To bottle them up and put them on the shelf. But we weren't asked to do that. We were asked to feel those emotions and to learn and grow.

I have learned and grown from my own emotions. Especially through tears, whether it be tears of joy or hurt. It's not easy nor comfortable to feel anger or pain. Heavens, I can't even begin to tell you my personal hell and all the pain that has accompanied it. But the gospel isn't about being comfortable, because there would be no growth. We must experience these emotions, so that we can progress and help those along the way.

I love "heart to heart" moments. They are tender and sacred. Being able to listen to someone share their feelings with me is such a privilege. I'm able to more fully understand and love that person on a whole new level. It builds an unwavering connection. I don't like being vulnerable and open. I'm good at being numb to my emotions and closed door. But then I remember that we were all sent here to become like God and Jesus Christ. And if being vulnerable and open will help me move forward or if there is someone who could learn from my experience then I'll do it.

On the other side, there is pure, raw emotion that is so sacred that you can't bear to share. And if you're me, you'll save those emotions to Him. I love those moments when I can open up my whole heart to the Lord and tell Him everything. And sometimes I can't explain it, so I just cry and know that He knows what I'm trying to say and what I feel.

Don't dismiss your emotions. They're important and beautiful. God blessed us with feelings, because He knows that they are good for us and for us to become like Him.

(Normally I try to end with something clever or sweet, but then a commercial played on Spotify and killed my groove.)

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